Jokes Why did the baby cookie cry? Expand Because it was a wafer so long. What did the bee sit on? Expand It’s bee-hind. What do you call a polar bear wearing earmuffs? Expand Anything you want -he cant hear you (but be nice) Why did the computer go to the orthodontist? Expand To improve its byte. What did the beaver say to the log? Expand Its been nice gnawing you! What do you call a computer super hero? Expand A screen saver! What travels around the world but never leaves its corner? Expand A postage stamp. How do you catch a squirrel? Expand Climb a tree and act like a nut! What has a big mouth and doesn't say a word? Expand A river. Why did the gum cross the road? Expand Because it was stuck to the chickens foot. What paces back and forth on the ocean floor? Expand A nervous wreck. Where do smart hotdogs end up? Expand On the honor roll! Why couldn't the teddy bear eat his dessert? Expand He was stuffed. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses? Expand Because her class was so bright! What do planets use to download music? Expand Neptunes. What goes zzub zzub? Expand A bee flying backwards! How do you keep a turkey in suspense? Expand I'll tell you later. What do you call 2 spiders that just got married? Expand Newlywebs. What is an astronaut's favorite sandwich? Expand Launch meat. How do you know which end of the worm is its head? Expand You tickle the middle and see which one giggles! Why did the cat put the M into the freezer? Expand Because it turns into MICE.